Spikes, skews and scattershots, Where the Green Grants Went 9 (WTGGW9) reveals the uneven terrain of UK environmental giving in 2021/22. Whilst environmental giving has never been higher, almost trebling since our last report WTGGW8 in 2021, this year’s report highlights worrying trends in environmental philanthropy that need addressing. Current levels and approaches to funding leave many issue areas, geographies and environmental organisations unable to act effectively, rapidly and strategically – and importantly unable to respond to the active opposition environmental work faces across the world.

As we continue to ‘grow the pie’ of environmental funding – both funders and those working within the environmental sector – our new guiding star must be around ‘effectiveness’. As a result, WTGGW9 includes a new section dedicated to exploring what effective philanthropy looks like and how it may be implemented by environmental funders.

This event summarises the key findings from the report and outlines clear next steps. Thanks to co-author Jon Cracknell and the EFN team for their presentation. As ever, EFN is ready and willing to join and support you on your funding journey.


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