Justice, equity, diversity & inclusion
We recognise that injustice and inequity are at the root of environmental degradation: without addressing them, we cannot support transformational change, whether on climate, biodiversity or any other environmental issue. We also recognise that the chronic lack of diversity within philanthropy and the UK environmental sector more broadly limits the sector’s effectiveness.
Below we detail our current commitments to justice, equity, diversity and inclusion (JEDI) work.
Our commitments:
Across our operations and our programming we consider how to continually improve our performance in terms of JEDI work – both in terms of how we operate as an organisation and in terms of our programming.
Our commitment to JEDI is reflected across several of our organisational principles, which we use to guide all of our work and operations.
In addition, we published our data with the Race Report in early 2024 and are using that along with the Wildlife and Countryside Link Route Map Towards Greater Ethnic Diversity to prioritise our JEDI activities for the rest of the year. This year, we will:
- Offer further staff and board training on JEDI topics, specifically the links between colonialism and climate change.
- Seek to provide opportunities for environmental organisations and initiatives led by people from marginalised communities to raise funds for their work
- Continue to give a platform to people from Most Affected People and Areas (MAPA) communities to present to funders, via events, publications and other communications.