For eighteen years, the Environmental Funders Network has been collecting and analysing data on grants from UK funders supporting environmental initiatives here and abroad. Published as the Where the Green Grants Went series of reports, this research has allowed us to identify trends, patterns and gaps in environmental grantmaking that would otherwise remain hidden. Many funders have used the data to inform their own grantmaking strategies, helping them identify and develop new areas of focus, or refine existing areas. We also often hear from civil society organisations that they have used the findings to inform their work and their fundraising. 

This report, the eighth edition of Where the Green Grants Went, looks at grants awarded by UK foundations and lottery sources to support environmental work over the three financial years 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19. 

As in the seventh edition, this report analyses environmental grants made by UK-based foundations (including Landfill Communities Fund and Scottish Landfill Communities Fund distributors), as well as lottery sources (The National Lottery Community Fund, The National Lottery Heritage Fund and People’s Postcode Lottery). We summarise the total amounts of funding from each type of funding source and how these have changed over time, as well as how the funds break down by thematic issue and by geography. We also highlight the grantee organisations that receive the most foundation funding and funding from the highest numbers of different foundations.