The UK Overseas Territories Fund: An unparalleled opportunity for environmental philanthropy
Learn about the UK Overseas Territories Fund run by John Ellerman Foundation. The review explores the fund so far and why funders should get involved.
Learn about the UK Overseas Territories Fund run by John Ellerman Foundation. The review explores the fund so far and why funders should get involved.
Learn about the UK Overseas Territories Fund run by John Ellerman Foundation. The review explores the fund so far and why funders should get involved.
Our latest research explores the role of wealth advisors within environmental philanthropy and provides analysis and recommendations on how we can better support and leverage the work of wealth advisors to increase green giving.
A place for GFF members to share their upcoming events with EFN's networks.
There is a serious shortfall in finance for the environment sector, which receives less than 9% of funding awarded by UK trusts and foundations. While one solution is to grow the available funding, another important strategy is to increase its effectiveness, ensuring maximum impact for every pound spent.
In the ninth edition of our Where the Green Grants Went report series, we analyse over 6,555 grants awarded by UK trust, foundations and lottery sources to environmental causes from 2021/22. WTGGW9 includes a new section dedicated to exploring what effective philanthropy looks like and how it may be implemented by environmental funders.
At NPC, we’re helping charities and funders step up their role in the transition to a post-carbon economy, working together across social and environmental areas. This guide is for anyone new to environmental philanthropy, and especially if you already fund social issues.
A healthier climate future is possible—but science tells us we must move with urgency. Many climate solutions exist, and people around the world are working to discover and create new ones—but philanthropy is urgently needed to scale these efforts. Climate Lead's Guide for Action provides a framework for getting started on climate philanthropy.
Active Philanthropy's "Spotlight on Climate Funding Strategies" provides an overview of ten different ways to engage in climate philanthropy.
EFN's Annual report for 2023
Our updated strategy for the period 2023-2026, where we lay out our principles for the next 2 years, as well as our work priorities and context for 2024.
In February 2023, the Environmental Funders Network (EFN) and Climate 2025 launched the Climate Activist Speaker Fund pilot to support young global climate activists. This publication shares insights into important elements in the approach taken during the selection process.
Our report aims help funders and environmental organisations better understand the philanthropic funding landscape, and trends, in Scotland, amplify the insights and aspirations of the leaders of environmental organisation in Scotland and showcase some of the many inspiring environmental activities.
EFN's Annual report for 2022
Our new strategy for the period 2023-2026, where we lay out our principles for the next 3 years, as well as our work priorities and context for 2023.
ClimateWorks Foundation’s fourth annual report explores funding trends in climate change mitigation philanthropy from 2015 to 2022.
This report is the third edition in our What the Green Groups Said research series, which aims to ‘take the pulse’ of the UK environment sector. The report summarises findings from a survey of UK environment group leaders completed in autumn 2021, which received responses from 116 organisations, large and small.
EFN's Annual report for 2021
Explore our learnings from surveying out members in May 2021. Our goal was to understand how funders approach finance-related work now, what motivates them to do more (or less) of it and what approaches they consider to be most effective.
The health of the environment underpins most issues of concern to philanthropists, but its connections to human health are so numerous and entwined as to be hard to ignore. This guide aims to help funders better identify the multiple connections between our health and the environment, and mobilise significantly more funds at this crucial intersection.
Analysis of European Foundation's funding for climate change mitigation in 2016, 2018, and 2020.
Read the 6th edition of this research into environmental funding by European foundations. The report analyses the 8,518 environmental grants made in 2021 by these foundations, worth a combined €1.6 billion.
In the eighth edition of our Where the Green Grants Went report series, we examine over 13,000 grants awarded by UK foundations and lottery sources to environmental causes from 2016/17 – 2018/19
Climate change is an existential threat to humanity and the planet we call home. We believe a key reason for inaction on climate change by potential funders is the difficulty both in understanding the issue and in finding effective solutions. This resource pack was developed to help funders overcome these challenges.
Explore the opportunity for UK funders to achieve global conservation impacts in the UK Overseas Territories.
A collection of donors’ stories of success. Some gave a few thousand pounds to support local action. Others gave seven figure gifts and created whole new organisations and ways of working. In each case, the effect on the environment was transformative.
This report delves into the links between gender inequality and the environment, to bring to light the multitude of connections and garner wider support for both causes.
A collection of evidence that makes the case for funding grassroots solutions to climate change.
In this seventh edition of Where the Green Grants Went, we examine over 13,000 grants awarded by foundations and lottery sources over the four-year period from 2012/13 – 2015/16, and provide insights from a survey of funders about the barriers to providing core, flexible and long-term funding.
This first edition of Where the Green Grants Went Scotland examines grants for environmental work in Scotland from UK-based trusts and foundations, Landfill Communities Fund distributors and lottery sources over the four years from 2012-2016.
Summary of the state of knowledge around what facilitates wealthy individuals to donate to different causes, with a particular focus on environmental causes.
Welcome to stories of fifteen remarkable lives. Inside are interviews with people who have devoted themselves and their fortunes to addressing the greatest crises ever to have faced humanity: the dual prospects of climate change and ecological collapse. These people are not just forces of but forces for nature.
‘What the Green Grants Said’ presents findings from a survey of 92 chief executives of UK-based environmental organisations.
This report is the sixth edition of Where the Green Grants Went. It looks at the grants from 180 UK-based trusts and foundations that support environmental initiatives, focusing on the financial years 2010/11 and 2011/12.
This report is intended to build on the analysis of environmental philanthropy carried out for the Environmental Funders Network in the five editions of Where the Green Grants Went. This report is based on the responses to a survey of chief executives of UK non-profit environmental organisations.
This report is the fifth edition of Where the Green Grants Went. It looks at the availability of grants from trusts and foundations for different types of environmental work, particularly grants made during the three financial years 2007/08, 2008/09 and 2009/10.
This report provides an overview of the work that civil society groups in the UK are doing on food and farming issues, based on a survey of over 300 organisations. It is intended to inform organisations funding in this sector and to stimulate discussion for those who care about these issues.
This report is the fourth edition of Where The Green Grants Went. It analyses grants data from 97 UK trusts and foundations for the financial year of 2006/07.
This report is the third edition of Where The Green Grants Went. It analyses grants data from 176 UK trusts and foundations for the financial year 2004/05.
This report is the second edition of Where The Green Grants Went. It looks at the grants from 35 UK-based trusts and foundations that support environmental initiatives, focusing on the financial years 2003/04.
This report analyses the funding provided for environmental and conservation work by the grant-making trusts that actively support work of this kind. Our aim is to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the state of trust funding in the 2002-03 financial year, so as to provide some benchmark figures for the EFN.