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Member Contributions

Since 2015, we’ve asked members for contributions to help us deliver our mission to increase the levels of philanthropic support for environmental causes and to improve its overall effectiveness.

Why contribute to EFN?

Through our varied convenings for funders and initiatives like the Philanthropy Lab and Environmental Impact Investing Group, we’re helping funders improve their impact. Our sector-facing work supports over 800 members from 600 environmental groups to fundraise and communicate more effectively, whilst our Expanding Environmental Philanthropy programme is increasing the amount of funding for environmental causes.

As our upcoming Where the Green Grants Went report will reveal, environmental funding from trusts and foundations has grown very significantly in the last several years; we are really proud to have played a role in that.

Your contributions have a catalytic effect, allowing us to create the conditions for environmental actors to succeed.

What does EFN need and how can you contribute?

In 2024, we need to raise at least £350,000 in contributions from our members. Last year, 240 trusts and foundations and a further 93 individual donors actively participated in EFN. We would love to see as many of you as possible supporting us.

We welcome grants from those of you who see this as an opportunity to support the mission of an environmental charity working to strengthen our collective environmental efforts. In the past members have done this in different ways, either by simply transferring the funds with an award letter, or by asking us for a proposal. Let us know what you need by filling in this form.

Alternatively, you may think of the contribution as a ‘fee’ and different amounts will be right for different trusts and individuals. We offer this sliding scale based on your annual environmental giving if you aren’t sure what might be appropriate. For the first time in 5 years we have increased the suggested minimum contribution amounts.

How to Pay

We ask for contributions annually via cheque or BACS transfer. 

To pay by cheque, please make cheques payable to Environmental Funders Network and send to: EFN, 48 High Street, Long Crendon, Aylesbury, Bucks HP18 9AF

To pay by BACS, please contact Emma for BACS payment instructions.

All contributions are voluntary.